After Paulina Bryan’s Son Was Repeatedly Stopped By Police Following The Purchase Of A New Car, She Created The Live lawyer App To Instantly Connect Users With A Lawyer Via Video Chat During Police Stops!

Paulina Bryan’s vision for the Live Lawyer App @livelawyerapp stemmed from her son’s frequent police stops after buying a new car. He would call her, anxious and unsure how to handle the situation, sparking her idea to create an app that connects users with lawyers via video chat during police encounters.

Paulina, in a moment of frustration and creativity, mused that it would be ideal if one could Skype a lawyer in such situations. This idea sparked the beginning of a journey that would take several years and immense dedication.

In 2014, Paulina began the patent process for the Live Lawyer App. However, the path was not easy. Tragically, in 2016, her son was murdered, a devastating loss that strengthened her resolve to bring her vision to life. Paulina channels her grief and determination into developing an app that aims to provide immediate legal representation for individuals stopped by the police.

The Live Lawyer App operates on a simple yet powerful principle: if stopped by the police, users can activate the app to connect with a lawyer via a FaceTime-like feature. This immediate legal support can help navigate the complexities and anxieties of police encounters, ensuring that users’ rights are protected.

The app also alerts pre-selected contacts of the user’s location, adding an extra layer of safety.

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