The 24-year-old actor partnered with the R.A.R.E. (Restoring America through Recovery Education) Foundation to donate a total of $2.4 million in financial literacy tools and support to three Staten Island, New York-based high schools, according to MSN.
“Huge THANK YOU to [Michael Rainey Jr.] for sponsoring Port Richmond High School and providing every student and their parents with essential Financial Literacy Education and Equifax Identity Theft Protection! Your commitment to empowering the next generation is truly inspiring,” R.A.R.E. officials captioned a post on Instagram.
“Together with the support of The R.A.R.E. Foundation Board of Directors, this marks the first step in our mission to ensure every student in NYC is financially prepared for adulthood,” the post continued. “This is just the beginning—many more schools to come! Let’s make financial literacy a priority for every student!”